On Friday, March 21, the start of work on transforming the playground at Mary Belle Williams Park (1600 Knapp St.) into an aviation wonderland got underway with a ceremonial groundbreaking.
This playground transformation is part of a series of park projects included in LC REBOUND, a tax neutral bond proposition passed by City of Lake Charles voters in November 2023.
Aviation-themed playground equipment will be installed. Additionally, the parking lot will receive an asphalt overlay. These amenities will add to the recently-installed pavilion, refurbished park benches, new fencing, and updated landscaping at the park.
The pavilion was funded through the Partners in Parks Fund at the Community Foundation, thanks to Northrop Grumman.
“When we launched Partners in Parks in 2018, our goal was to make infrastructure improvements and enhancements at our parks Citywide, as well as reinvigorate programming. Northrop Grumman was one of our early partners in the initiative and has been committed to enhancing Mary Belle Williams Park,” said Mayor Nic Hunter. “We are appreciative of their ongoing, steadfast partnership and look forward to many more exciting projects.”
Northrop Grumman is also a sponsor of the City’s #ReTreeLC Initiative, under the Partners in Parks Initiative. In early 2022 employ volunteers planted trees and native grasses in the park.