The City of Lake Charles Utilities Division provides the following update on an ongoing lane closure on Nelson Road (State Route 1138-2). 

While working to address a collapsed sidewalk along Nelson Road, just south of its intersection with McNeese Street, City of Lake Charles crews discovered that a fiber optic boring company struck and damaged a 24-inch sewer line under the outside southbound lane of travel.

Due to the specialty nature of this repair work, a local engineering firm was engaged to assess this project and design the scope of work needed to make the necessary repairs. Following lawful procurement procedures, quotes were sought and the contractor with the lowest responsive quote was awarded the job through the Lake Charles City Council approval process.

The contractor mobilized on site and began making repairs. Through this process, additional issues were identified that must be addressed before the final repair work can resume.

An additional contractor is now engaged in the process and is expected to begin their work within a week.

Once this work is completed, the final repairs can be made and, weather permitting, the road is expected to completely reopen in the next three to four weeks.

As a state route, the traffic management plan in place is in compliance with DOTD requirements.

The City’s Risk Management Division is also engaged in this process, working to identify the parties responsible for the damaged wastewater infrastructure.

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