Current forecasts are modeling a hard freeze for early next week with morning lows reaching the mid-to-lower 20s both Tuesday, January 16 and Wednesday, January 17. Extended periods of at or below freezing temperatures are expected for both Tuesday and Wednesday. 

During freezing conditions, residents are reminded to bring their pets inside, protect their pipes and plants, and check on elderly family members or neighbors. 

Regarding pipes, the City of Lake Charles Utilities Division advises residents that if their home is not on a slab and/or they have exposed or uninsulated pipes, they should take the necessary steps to protect them.

The Lake Charles Police Department encourages residents to exercise extreme caution when traveling the roadways as some overpasses and bridges may freeze overnight. 

Should rainy weather happen, ice forming on roadways and local bridges could occur. As a result, City of Lake Charles Public Works Streets Division crews are making preparations to close the overpasses at Shattuck Street and Enterprise Boulevard should conditions become unsafe for travel. 

Local public safety agencies would like to remind residents that should these closures become necessary, emergency services will not be affected. 

The Lake Charles Fire Department reminds residents to take precautions if using portable space heaters. Be sure there are no blankets, bedding or other flammable materials within a three-foot radius of the heater. Space heaters should also be kept away from children and pets. These units should have an automatic shut-off and should always be plugged directly into the outlet. Heaters should not be left unattended when on. 

Should power be lost, and residents need to use portable generators, it is important to remember to place these generators outside, away from the home and in a well-ventilated area. 

For more information on City of Lake Charles services, call (337) 491-1346, visit and follow To connect with community resources, dial 211. As always, in the event of an emergency, dial 911.

 Winter Prep