Overgrown Grass Enforcement Policy Deferred Due to Harvey
The City of Lake Charles is extending grass ordinance enforcement deadlines by seven days to account for the impacts of Tropical Storm Harvey.
On Sunday, August 27, a new method of notifying property owners of tall grass violations went into effect: a public notice in the City’s official journal American Press. The notice gives owners 10 days to cut their grass before the city hires a contractor to do the job.
The purpose of the change was to expedite the grass-cutting process for owners not in compliance with city property standards. But with heavy rain in the area every day since the policy went into effect, city officials are deferring enforcement of the new procedure.
“We don’t want to create further hardship on property owners during Tropical Storm Harvey. That is why we’re extending the grass ordinance enforcement deadlines by seven days, so that the grounds will have an opportunity to dry up and residents have a chance to mow their grass before we begin re-inspections for compliance,” stated Mike Huber, Planning Director for the City of Lake Charles.
For more information on this change in policy, please contact Terry Magnon at 491-1294 or visitwww.cityoflakecharles.com.