Construction will soon begin on the statue of Captain Daniel Goos to be located on Memorial Point within the Lakefront Promenade. The statue and all construction costs are being funded by the Goosport Graveyard Endowment. The Lake Charles City Council formally accepted the donation at a regular meeting in 2015.

“This project was sponsored by the Goosport Graveyard Endowment Fund for the Captain Daniel Goos memorial on the lakefront. It is quite gratifying to see such strong community support on behalf of this very worthwhile project to honor one of Lake Charles’ founders,” said Mayor Randy Roach.

Upon moving to the area, Captain Daniel Goos established one of the city’s first industries, a steam-powered sawmill on the banks of the Calcasieu River. He utilized his own schooners to ship lumber and other timber products to the port in Galveston, Tx., then returning with boats full of goods which he would then sell to Lake Charles merchants. 

Sculptor of the statue is Janie Stine LaCroix. Architect on the project is J. Everett Schram, and the contractor is Rock Cloud Construction. Construction is estimated to last two months. The construction will not impede vehicular traffic on Bord du Lac Drive or other activities planned on the lakefront. 

For more information, please call 491-1429.