Councilman Ronnie Harvey, Jr.
1013 N. Goos Blvd
Lake Charles, LA  70601
Phone: 337-540-8838
Fax:  337-491-1463

Civic Center Amphitheatre

The Amphitheatre is located on the south end of the Event Center grounds and features a covered pavilion/stage area. Complete with electrical hook-ups at the rear of the stage, the Amphitheatre plays host to benefit walks/runs, free concerts, family fun days, reunions and more.

For more information on booking an event at the Amphitheatre, call (337) 491-1256.

Click the images below to view a slideshow of pictures.

Live at the Lakefront 2015 Red, White, Blue and You

Click here to return to the Venues page.

 Historic City Hall Arts & Cultural Center

HCH outside

Historic City Hall Arts & Cultural Center is a public art and history gallery, which showcases numerous traveling exhibitions from around the world. It is also the home to Black Heritage Gallery and Gallery by the Lake. Both galleries give spotlight to dozens of regional and local artists. The Center features three floors of gallery space, a clock tower, and a landscaped brick plaza. Traveling exhibitions by well-known artists Pablo Picasso, Norman Rockwell, and Tasha Tudor have visited the Center, as well as historic exhibits including Titanic: The Artifact Exhibition and The Pelican State Goes to War (by the National WWII Museum). Visitors from across the country are surprised to find such high-caliber exhibitions in the Lake Area.  

Historic City Hall Arts & Cultural Center is open Tuesday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Admission to all exhibitions is free to the public. Follow us on Facebook or sign up for our newsletter to stay connected and learn about our current exhibits. For more information, please call (337) 491-9147.

Upcoming Exhibits

2024 HCH Calendar

 The Downtown Development Authority generally meets every 1st Monday of the Month at 5:00 pm in the City Council Chambers City Hall 326 Pujo Street.
Current DDA Members:
Nathaniel Allured

Jay Ecker

Vice Chair

Dianna Ross
Derrek Williams
Zita Andrus
Matthew Young 
  • The DDA was re-established in June 2007 subsequent to the Lakefront Vote which created the Lakefront Sub-district. This vote added the duties and responsibilities of the Lakefront Sub- district to the DDA.
  • Term Renewals are for a 3-year term
  • Chairman/Vice-Chairman  2-year term
Join us on Facebook
The Finance Department is comprised of the Finance Administration Services Division, the Accounting Division and the Purchasing Division. It is charged with the depositing of tax proceeds (property and sales taxes). These taxes are collected by the Calcasieu Parish Sheriff's Office (property taxes) and the Calcasieu Parish School Board (sales tax) per Joint Service Agreements. The collection of various license and permit fees, along with the collection of other monies due the city except as otherwise provided for by law. The department is also required to maintain the city's treasury and carry out centralized accounting, purchasing, disbursement and asset management functions. In addition, the city charter requires that the department prepare and administer the City's annual Operating and Capital Budget.

The Lake Charles Fire Department (LCFD) serves the City of Lake Charles and the Ward 3 metro area. The area served is rapidly expanding both in size and population. The LCFD is constantly reviewing and updating equipment and procedures to better serve our citizens.

The LCFD was formed in 1876 with a team of firefighters using horse-drawn fire wagons to respond to emergencies. The department evolved through the years and the first fire station in the Lake Charles area was located at the corner of Pujo and Bilbo streets. The five-member department that existed in 1890 has grown to now include more than 180 firefighters, and we are constantly recruiting new members to better serve the Lake Area.

The Administrative division oversees the day-to-day operations of the department. This division maintains records of all personnel, training, maintenance of vehicles and facilities, budgets and financial data which it organizes, analyzes and prioritizes in order that recommendations may be directed to the Fire Chief.

The Fire Fighting/Fire Suppression (Operations) division is the largest division within the department. Employees in this division are qualified to control and extinguish fires, respond to hazardous materials emergencies and other situations requiring emergency response.

The Bureau of Fire Prevention is the division of the LCFD which provides fire prevention services (Section 103, 2003 International Fire Code) to the community through fire plan reviews, fire suppression tests, and fire and life safety inspections, fire investigations, public education and official records management.


Communications division employees must have the ability to perform under stressful situations. This division is responsible for operating communications equipment, maintaining records, and other duties in the communications center of the fire department. They answer fire telephones, dispatch fire fighting equipment and keep simple records of these activities following department procedures. Employees in this division keep track of the location and condition of each unit at all times. This division receives and transmits messages to and from the fire scene and to and from related department personnel and notifies all specified officers or special units of all working fires.


The Maintenance division is responsible for maintaining the department's vehicles and ensuring they are inspected and in a constant state of readiness. Personnel in this department must be skilled in the repair and maintenance of fire department automotive and fire fighting equipment and related work as required. Work of this class primarily involves responsibility for personally performing skilled tasks in the general repair and maintenance of fire pumps, heavy fire apparatus, automobiles and related equipment.


The Training division's primary responsibility is to develop the intellectual and physical competencies of each fire department member. The educational programs set forth by this division are designed to improve firefighting tactics, emergency rescue and hazardous material response to better serve the community.


The Research and Statistical Analysis division assists the Fire Chief in researching, planning and coordinating fire department operations with an emphasis on estimating fire ratings in accordance with the Property Insurance Association of Louisiana (PIAL).


Steps to apply for employment with the City of Lake Charles
  1. Obtaining an application:
    Applications are available at City Hall in the Human Resources Department on the 2nd Floor between the hours of 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., Monday through Thursday. Resumes may accompany applications.  Police applications may be obtained by calling 337-491-1311. Fire applications may be obtained by contacting 337-491-1360. 

  2. Submitting your application:
    Applications must be handed in at the 2nd Floor of City Hall to the Human Resources Department. Resumes AND Cover letters may be emailed to hrdepartment@cityoflc.us. Applications must be complete to be considered for employment. Misrepresentation and incomplete or inaccurate information may cause application rejection, removal from the employment pool or discharge from city employment.

  3. Checking on status of application:
    Applications remain active with the City of Lake Charles for one year. During this time an applicant may update their application. After the one-year time period, an applicant must fill out a new application to be considered for open employment opportunities. All employment opportunities are contingent upon completion of various pre-employment tests and/or physical examinations.
The City of Lake Charles practices promotion from within. All open positions are first posted to current city employees for five days. Current employees may apply for transfers to open position by filling out the appropriate transfer request form and submitting to the Human Resources Department within the posted time frame.
Once current employees have the opportunity to apply for open positions, applications from outside applicants are considered.


Bike and Pediestrian Plans
Vision of the Plan
"To promote the City of Lake Charles as a bicycle and pedestrian-friendly environment by providing a variety of convenient, safe and attractive transportation choices."


Master Plan Adopted by City Council June 6, 2012: 


Recommendations for proposed routes

The Lake Charles Police Department is the principal law enforcement agency in Lake Charles. It is responsible for providing police service to an area encompassing approximately 40+ square miles and representing more than 80,000 residents. The department is sub-divided into over a dozen divisions. The Chief of Police oversees all operations of the LCPD.
LCPD History
On July 25, 1868, eight days after the newly incorporated town of Lake Charles held its first municipal elections, Pat Fitzgerald was sworn in as the town Constable. As the town blacksmith and a Civil War Veteran, Fitzgerald was well qualified to manhandle outlaws. As the only law officer in the small community of 700, Constable Fitzgerald had to enforce all of the town's ordinances without a jail to incarcerate violators. Then, on May 11, 1874, the town council organized the Lake Charles Police Department with Fitzgerald serving as "chief" and overseeing seven "captains on patrol."

During the late 1800s and early 1900s the police officers were focused on enforcing "morality" laws such as public drunkenness, gambling, and prostitution. Officers also assumed the role of traffic controller as the popularity of the automobile increased.

The year 1945 marked the construction of the first dedicated Lake Charles Police Station with a jail, built on the corner of Kirby and Pithon streets. J. Harry Hebert, the police chief at the time, established the detective division in 1947 and future State Representative Mike Hogan became the first plain-clothes detective.

In December of 1974 the Lake Charles Police Department relocated to its current headquarters on Enterprise Boulevard, after relocating several times over the years. A year later the Lake Charles Police Department hired its first female patrol officers.

Under current Police Chief Shawn Caldwell, the Lake Charles Police Department has continued to make outstanding achievements. In November 2000 the Lake Charles Police Department became an accredited law enforcement agency, allowing them to join an elite international group who are similarly recognized for their professional excellence. The Lake Charles Police Department continues to be dedicated to fostering community partnerships, strengthening peace of mind and striving to prevent crime and disorder in the City of Lake Charles.

The Administration Division of the Public Works Department is committed to ensuring that the highest quality of service is given to the residents of the City of Lake Charles. Administration is responsible for emergency services including fleet maintenance and building maintenance for all agencies of the City, contract construction supervision and the maintenance of City property, including grounds maintenance and mapping.
Also, Administration is responsible for the construction and repair of streets, sidewalks, bridges and street drainage, including traffic engineering.
In addition, Administration oversees the collection and disposal of residential garbage and trash, street cleaning and stormwater collections. The Administration Division of Public Works Department is also responsible for the City's wastewater and water systems and the City transit system. 
In conclusion, Administration oversees the accounting processes for the department and operating and capital budgets.

Jessie D. Clifton
2415 East Gieffers Street
Play GroundBasketball CourtCommunity Center
Henry Heights
801 East School Street
Play Ground  Baseball Fields  Community Center
College Oaks
3518 Ernest Street
Play Ground Baseball Fields Community Center
Bellard (Hillcrest Park)
2808 Hillcrest Drive
Play Ground  Basketball Court  Community Center  Walking
Columbus Circle
3520 Grienwich Boulevard
Play Ground  Basketball Court  Community Center
Willie  McCullor Landry (Drew Park)
416 Dr. DeBakey Drive
Play Ground Community Center   Walking  
Donald Ray Stevens (Goosport Park)
1619 Cessford Street
  Play Ground  Baseball FieldsBasketball Court
Community CenterSplash Pad
343 Goos Street
Play Ground  Basketball Court  Community Center  Walking
Purple Heart
4305 Avenue H
  Community CenterBasketball Court


Play Ground Playground   Baseball FieldsBaseball Fields   Basketball Court Basketball Courts   Splash Pad Splash Pad   Community Center Community Center
SwimmingSwimming Pool   Soccer Soccer Fields   WalkingWalking/Joggin Paths   Tennis CourtsTennis Courts
Connecting Service
Applications for service are available at the Water Utility Office at 1155 Ryan Street or by clicking here.
Photo identification and a valid Social Security Card must be presented before the application can be processed. Call customer service at (337) 491-1307 for more information.
  • A deposit will be required unless proof of credit from another utility company is presented.
  • Same day service is available for an additional $60.00 service charge.
Water Problems
Any water problems should be reported directly to the Water Division at the following numbers:
Billing/New Services (337) 491-1307
Meter Problems (337) 491-1522
Main Breaks (337) 491-1487
Rusty Water/Odor (337) 491-1554
Distribution (337) 491-1486
Production Plant Info (337) 491-1479
After hours (337) 491-1483 
Disconnecting Service
Call customer service at (337) 491-1307 to disconnect service.  Verification will be required before service can be disconnected.
Security Deposits
Customer Deposit 
Residential $50.00  
Commercial Varies  
Security deposits for residential customers will be waived if a letter of good credit can be provided from any other utility company.
Transferring Service
Call the Customer Service department at (337) 491-1307 if you change addresses.  Please have the following information ready before you call:
  1. Account number

  2. Current Address

  3. New Address

  4. Move Date

  5. Social Security
   Service will be restored the next business day.  Any customer wanting SAME DAY SERVICE will have to
   pay an additional $60.00 fee.  Payment must be made in the Business Office by cash, credit/debit
   card or money order only.  NO CHECKS.

Below is a listing of parks available to visit in Lake Charles, LA.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

The Mayor's Action Line processes and tracks inquiries, comments and complaints addressed to the City of Lake Charles by its residents. Each call is entered into our computer system and referred to the appropriate Department/Division. The Department/Division then has three working days to investigate and respond to the caller with what steps can be or have been taken to resolve the issue.

Phone: 337 491-1346
Email: mayorsactionline@cityoflc.us or mal@cityoflc.us
Hours: Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

When applicable, please supply location details, photographs and any other information that could help in the investigation by the Department/Division.

For specific issues related to the following divisions, please see the contact numbers below:

Sewer Problems: Any sewer problems should be reported directly to the Wastewater Division at (337) 491-1224; after hours please call (337) 491-1414.

Water Problems: Any water problems should be reported directly to the Water Division at the following numbers:

Billing/New Services (337) 491-1307
Meter Problems (337) 491-1522
Main Breaks (337) 491-1487
Rusty Water/Odor (337) 491-1554
Distribution (337) 491-1486
Production Plant Info (337) 491-1479
After hours (337) 491-1483 
Councilwoman Luvertha August
Luvertha August Councilwoman
Luvertha August, a native of Lake Charles, Louisiana, is a member of Sacred Heart Catholic Church. She is a graduate of W. O. Boston High School and received her Bachelor and Master's Degrees in education from McNeese State University.

Luvertha is a retired educator having begun her teaching career at St. Katherine Drexel Sacred Heart of Jesus Elementary School and finishing it in the Calcasieu Parish School System.

Upon the death of her husband, Allen P. August, Sr., she entered into politics by first being appointed to fill his unexpired term on the Calcasieu Parish Police Jury until a special election could be called. She ran and won the special election and then later ran and won to serve a full four year term. She served on the Police Jury from 1998 - 2004.

From 1999-2004, Luvertha served as president of the Calcasieu Parish Police Jury Office of Community Services Board. During her tenure as president, many projects were introduced by the Board and adopted by the Calcasieu Parish Police Jury, some of which included: the Food for Seniors Program; the North Lake Charles Contract Postal Office; the parish-wide transportation system and the expansion to the Calcasieu Parish Office of Community Services building for Senior Citizens.

Luvertha represented the Calcasieu Parish Police Jury on the Imperial Calcasieu Regional Planning and Development Commission and served as its treasurer in 2003. She was also on the TRIAD/SALT Council which dealt with senior citizen affairs.

After leaving office as a Police Juror, Luvertha became active in the Project-Build-A-Future program which builds new homes for low income first-time home buyers and presently serves as its vice-president. She serves on the Mayor's Human Relations Commission which acts as a liaison between citizens and the city police department. She is a member of the Lake Charles Serra Club, an organization which promotes and supports those entering religious vocations in the Catholic Church and is one of only two African-Americans to serve as president during its long history in Lake Charles.

In 2008, politics, again, beckoned to Luvertha when she was appointed to fill the unexpired term of now State Representative A. B. Franklin. In 2009 she was elected to serve a full term as the Lake Charles City Council Member for District B and was elected by the Council to serve as Vice-President for the year 2012-2013.

Luvertha is the proud mother of two children, six grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.

In memory of her husband, each year Luvertha presents a scholarship to a graduate in the Calcasieu Parish Adult Education system to help in pursuing further education.

In 2012, Luvertha was recognized by the Top Ladies of Distinction, Inc. with its "Community Service Award" and by the Black Caucus Police Jury of Louisiana with a "Distinguished Service Award."

Luvertha says, "I never imagined my life's journey would give me the adventures I have had. It is as if God, Himself, has held my hand and led me down the paths I have felt compelled to follow as I feel His constant and loving protection."

       DownTown Lake Charles Crawfish Festival DownTown Lake Charles Crawfish Festival      Monster Trucks

With a complete lighting and ceiling makeover in recent years, the James E. Sudduth Coliseum offers up more than 22,000 square feet of space. The coliseum has played host to a wide variety of events over the years. From galas, graduations annual meetings, trade shows and music concerts for major performing artists like Daughtry to basketball games, indoor arena football, ice hockey, rodeos and monster truck shows, this space can literally host any type of event. The venue can seat up to 7,500 patrons comfortably.

When it comes to tradeshows, the James E. Sudduth Coliseum can hold up to 130 8' by 10' tradeshow booths.

For more information on making the James E. Sudduth Coliseum the home of your next event, give us a call today.

Click on the image below to view a slideshow of images of the James E. Sudduth Coliseum.

Monster Truck

Click here to return to the Venues page. 

Central School Arts & Humanities Center

Central School june 2023 ribbon cutting

Central School Arts & Humanities Center was designed and built by noted New Orleans architects Favrot & Livaudais in 1912 and is located at 809 Kirby Street in Lake Charles in the heart of the Charpentier Historic District. It originally functioned as an elementary school and was repurposed as an arts and humanities center in 1995. Its classrooms now serve as studios, offices, and performance spaces for dozens of cultural organizations and individual artists.

Current tenants include the Arts & Humanities Council of SWLA, the Lake Charles Symphony, the Literacy Council of SWLA, Lake Charles Community Band, Bayouland Ballroom, and Lake Charles Little Theatre along with numerous other visual artists, dance teachers, non-profits and music teachers. The school's historic auditorium is currently undergoing renovations following Hurricanes Laura and Delta in 2020.  Auditorium renovations are expected to be  complete in the fall of 2024.

For more information on Central School Arts & Humanities Center, including room rental information and rates, contact the Arts and Humanities Council at 337-439-2787 or visit www.artscouncilswla.org.

The Finance Department is comprised of the Finance Administration Services Division, the Accounting Division and the Purchasing Division. It is charged with the depositing of tax proceeds (property and sales taxes). These taxes are collected by the Calcasieu Parish Sheriff's Office (property taxes) and the Calcasieu Parish School Board (sales tax) per Joint Service Agreements. The collection of various license and permit fees, along with the collection of other monies due the city except as otherwise provided for by law. The department is also required to maintain the city's treasury and carry out centralized accounting, purchasing, disbursement and asset management functions. In addition, the city charter requires that the department prepare and administer the City's annual Operating and Capital Budget.
This division conducts a centralized accounting operation and manages the receipt and disbursement of City funds including Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, Occupational License, Payroll, Special Assessments, and Capital Projects. Contractual costs of annual auditing and tax collection services are also allocated to this division.

Under the direction of Fire Chief Delton "DC" Carter, and with the assistance of his administrative FDlogoassistant, our administrative offices work closely in seeing that the administrative responsibilities are handled efficiently. With the support and help of the department's secretarial and administrative staff, the Fire Chief is able to administer his duties in a well-organized manner that results in the smooth and efficient operations of the Lake Charles Fire Department.

This division maintains records of all personnel, training, maintenance of vehicles and facilities, budgets and financial data which it organizes, analyzes and prioritizes in order that recommendations may be directed to the Fire Chief for his use in running the day-to-day operations of the department.

LCFD Administration
4200 Kirkman Street
Lake Charles, LA 70607
(337) 491-1360
Mailing Address:
PO Box 1703
Lake Charles, LA 70602
Fire Chief
Delton "DC" Carter
Administrative Assistant Kathleen Guillory
Secretary to the Fire Chief       Ashley Miano
Records Clerk Sara Rickert
Payroll Clerk
Assistant Chief Office              
(337) 491-1362 
Assistant Chief A shift
Assistant Chief B shift
Assistant Chief C shift

LCFD Fire Prevention Division     

(337) 491-1368

8th floor City Hall

326 Pujo Street

Lake Charles, LA 70601

Chief of Fire Prevention Brad Briles
LCFD Communications Division    
(337) 491-1354 business line
911 Hodges Street
Lake Charles, LA 70601
LCFD Training Division
(337) 491-8792
4649 Common Street
Lake Charles, LA 70605
LCFD Maintenance Division
(337) 491-1356
1208 W 18th Street
Lake Charles, LA 70601

LCFD Planning and Research Division

(337) 491-1397

8th floor City Hall

326 Pujo Street

Lake Charles, LA  70601





















Paper Applications are available for pick-up from the Human Resources Department located on the 2nd floor of City Hall. Applications are accepted Monday - Thursday from 8:00 am until 4:00 pm. Applications are accepted year-round and held for one year. Please visit Job Applications for more details. Should there be any questions regarding employment opportunities please call the Human Resources Department at 337-491-1266 for assistance. 

Now Hiring

The City of Lake Charles is an Equal Opportunity Employer

2021 International Building Code (IBC) as approved by the Louisiana State Uniform Construction Code Council
2021 International Residential Code (IRC) as approved by the Louisiana State Uniform Construction Code Council
2021 International Existing Building Code (IEBC) as approved by the Louisiana State Uniform Construction Code Council
2021 International Energy Conservation Code as approved by the Louisiana State Uniform Construction Code Council (Click here for more information)
2020 National Electrical Code (NEC)
2021 International Plumbing Code as approved by the Louisiana State Uniform Construction Code Council
2021 International Fuel Gas Code as approved by the Louisiana State Uniform Construction Code Council
2021 International Mechanical Code (IMC)
Codes are effective January 1, 2023 as adopted by the Louisiana State Uniform Code Council.
     (These requirements are to be submitted along with one of the below subdivision applications)
     (This application is to be submitted when infrastructure is included within a request.)
     (This application is to be submitted when infrastructure is not included - all proposed lots will have existing street frontage.) 

Administration Command Staff

Shawn Caldwell
Chief of Police
Michael Nicosia
Deputy Chief - Operations
Kevin Kirkum
Deputy Chief - Investigations
Dustin Gaudet 
Deputy Chief - Support
Kristi Miller
Secretary to the Chief of Police
Division Commanders
Capt. Robert McCauley
Capt. Craig Wright
Capt. Todd Chaddick 
Traffic/Training/Community Policing
Lt. Ronnie Fontenot
Sgt. Andrew Malveaux
Professional Standards Division
Cpl. Kalon Washington
Planning and Research

Green Truck


Family= has picnic tables    Playground= Has playground equipment
Baseball Fields= Athletic Fields    Gym = Building has gym equipment    Boat Launch = Boat Launch




Grace & Church Park


Dawn - Dusk

Grace & Medora Park


Dawn - Dusk

Greinwich Terrace Park


Dawn - Dusk

Henry Heights Park

Baseball Fields

Dawn - Dusk

Hillcrest Park


Dawn - Dusk

Holmes Street Park


Dawn - Dusk

Huber Park

Baseball Fields

Dawn - Dusk

Jessie D Clifton Park


Dawn - Dusk

Lock Park


Dawn - Dusk

Bord Du Lac Park


Dawn - Dusk

McDonald / "MAC" / Cobbs Boat La

Boat Launch

Dawn - Dusk

Mary Belle Williams Park


Dawn - Dusk

Mike D Lanza Park (Currently unavailable)


Dawn - Dusk

Nelson Road Park

Baseball Fields

Dawn - Dusk

Purple Heart Memorial Park


Currently Unavailable

Buddy Prejean Park

Baseball Fields

Dawn - Dusk

Second Ave. Park

Baseball Fields

Dawn - Dusk

Tuten Park


9:00 AM - 7:00 PM Tues-Sat Noon - 7:00 PM Sun

Closed Mondays

University Park

Baseball Fields

Dawn - Dusk

Weaver Road Park

Baseball Fields

Dawn - Dusk

Wiley B McMillan Park


Dawn - Dusk

College Oaks Park

Baseball Fields

Dawn - Dusk

Columbus Circle Park


Dawn - Dusk

Drew Park


Dawn - Dusk

General Moore Park


Dawn - Dusk

Goosport Park


Dawn - Dusk

Veterans Memorial Park


Dawn - Dusk

Millennium Park


April-Oct: 7:00 AM - 7:00 PM

Nov-March: 7:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Mondays: 1:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Riverside Park FamilyPlayground

Dawn - Dusk

Nellie Lutcher Memorial Park

Dawn - Dusk


Several options are available for bill payment:

    • Nightly backups are conducted beginning at 10 p.m. each night and end around 12:45 a.m. You may experience difficulty making an online payment during this time. 
  • Mail your payment to P.O. Box 1727, Lake Charles, LA 70602.
  • Pay in person at our office located at 1155 Ryan St. Office hours are 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.
  • Pay through night deposit box.  The night deposit box is near the back doors of the Transit Building, located at 1155 Ryan St.
  • Pay by phone 1-337-545-2999; a convenience fee will apply for this service.
Service will be restored the next business day.  Any customer wanting Same Day Service will have to pay an additional $60.00 fee.  Payment must be made in the Business Office by cash, credit/debit card or money order only. NO CHECKS.

City of Lake Charles

326 Pujo Street, Lake Charles, LA 70601
337.491.1200 Email Us

John Cardone, Jr. City Administrator
The City Administrator is responsible for the professional management of the day-to-day operations of the City, including general supervision, administration and management. The City of Lake Charles operates under a Mayor-City Council form of government. Under this system, the Mayor appoints and recommends to the City Council and the Council, by consent of a two-thirds vote, appoints the City Administrator, who is the chief appointed administrator for the City.


The City Administrator works closely with the Mayor, City Council and City Departments to develop and implement policies and procedures for the City. The City Administrator is responsible for the supervision and management of City Departments, including: reviewing and advising Departments on financial and operational management, setting organizational strategies and goals, establishing methods and procedures on program planning and operational efficiencies, and acting as the City's liaison to local and state government entities and to other elected officials and government agencies.


John Cardone, Jr. serves as City Administrator for the City of Lake Charles and has over 25 years of experience in municipal government. A graduate of Louisiana State University, Cardone holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Administration. Through postgraduate studies, he obtained certification and continuing education as a building plan examiner, building code analyst in the Legal Aspects of Code Administration, in Management-Effective Supervision and in Emergency Management.

A Message from the City Administrator, John Cardone, Jr.


Hello and welcome to Lake Charles, Louisiana. I'm John Cardone, Jr., City Administrator for the City of Lake Charles. It is my privilege to introduce you to our city and a few of the many amenities of our area.

Located in the southwest corner of the state, Lake Charles borders bayous, rivers, and lakes with a deep water channel that leads to the Gulf of Mexico. Access to these waterways provides for excellent fishing, hunting and other celebrated sports activities in the Lake Area. Lake Charles is also known for its diverse arts and culture programming/events, casino resorts, many music venues, excellent cuisine and many great festivals that occur throughout the year.

Lake Charles covers approximately 44 square miles, serves a community of nearly 75,000 people and is a great place to raise a family. The city has a healthy economy, which makes it a prime location for business, industry and other development. Recently, Business Week magazine's Web site ranked Lake Charles first in the country in America's strongest building market.

Lake Charles City Government employs approximately 1100 employees and has an Operating and Capital Budget for the 2012-2013 fiscal year of $127 million, of which $61.6 million is for General Fund operation which includes General Government, Planning and Development, Finance, Human Resources, Public Works, Fire and Police. The City also operates four Enterprise Funds for Water, Transit, the Civic Center and a Golf Course and has special revenue budgets for Wastewater, Recreation and Special Events.

On behalf of all our employees, we will continue to strive to provide the highest quality of professional service to the citizens of our community, and we welcome all to come and visit our proud "city on the lake."

Councilman Rodney Geyen

Councilman Rodney Geyen
Rodney Geyen is the third son of the late Adam and Mildred Geyen. He attended Second Ward Colored Elementary School, W. O. Boston High School, and Grambling State University, earning a Bachelor's of Science Degree in Elementary Education. He also attended McNeese State University earning a Masters plus 30 in Administration and Supervision.
Geyen served in the field of education for 46 years. He taught and coached at W.O. Boston High School, Reynaud Middle School, Pearl Watson Junior High School, and Lake Charles Boston High School. He served as Assistant Principal at Reynaud Middle School and served as Principal at T. H. Watson for 15 years. He came out of retirement to serve as Assistant Principal and Principal at Lake Charles Boston High School and Principal of J. F. Kennedy Elementary School and is now Principal of Pearl Watson Elementary.
He was elected to the Lake Charles City Council in 1997 and was elected to serve as Vice President of the Council in 1998 and President in 1999. Geyen served as Mayor for 4 ½ months becoming the first African American to serve as Mayor and the 27th Mayor of the City of Lake Charles.
He is the Pastor of Williams Chapel Christian Methodist Episcopal Church in Moss Bluff and Crowley District Ministerial Alliance Director.
Geyen is a member of the National Education Association, Louisiana Association of Educators, Calcasieu Education Association, 100 Black Men's Association and Kappa Alpha PSI Fraternity.
Geyen is a committed servant to the people of District C and the City of Lake Charles. He was responsible for securing over 22 million dollars of capital outlay projects consisting of street reconstruction and recreational projects.
Geyen was the recipient of the NAACP Trailblazer Award, listed as Who's Who in the Grambling State University Alumni News Magazine and selected Principal of the Year in 1999, and was the winner of the district and regional levels and a state finalist.
He is married to the former Margaret Marie Guillory and they are the proud parents of four children, Dana, Gerard, Teri and Kelly and have six grandchildren.

Theatre Sign

The Rosa Hart Theatre is located on the south side of the Lake Charles Event Center Complex. Its capacity is 1,960, fixed seating, and can be used for major plays, pageants Mardi Gras galas, ballet recitals, concerts and more. 

Over the years it's played host to events such as the Moscow Ballet's Great Russian Nutcracker, the Chinese Acrobats and many other local, regional, national and international productions. 

The Rosa Hart Theatre boasts the latest in sound and lighting equipment, a backstage area complete with male and female dressing rooms and concession stands.

For more information on hosting your next event in the Rosa Hart Theatre, call us today.

Click the image below to view a slide show of the Rosa Hart Theatre.

 Rosa Hart Theatre

Click here to return to the Venues page. 

The Purchasing Division provides centralized procurement services for all City of Lake Charles departments under the direction of the Purchasing Manager.


The mission of the Purchasing Division, within the Department of Finance, is to provide efficient and responsive procurement practices while providing quality service through teamwork and communication with City departments, divisions and vendors. The Purchasing Division is dedicated to providing the City with the most effective and efficient centralized means for procuring quality goods and services, in an economical and timely manner, while staying within the laws and regulations of the state of Louisiana and the City of Lake Charles. The Purchasing Division provides direction and support in identifying sources capable of providing a continuous supply of goods and services in a quality and cost-efficient manner.


The "How to do Business with the City of Lake Charles" booklet will acquaint you with the City of Lake Charles' procurement process and assist you in becoming a supplier to the City. It is provided as a general guideline to help you understand some of the processes. Nothing contained in the Guide shall be construed to amend or override any statute rule, regulation, policy or procedure of the City of Lake Charles, or the provision of any document used in any competitive procurement. The City of Lake Charles reserves the right to modify the guide without prior notice and without issuance of such modification to all holders of the guide.


The Purchasing Division maintains active lists of vendors for the purpose of requesting quotations and proposals for various categories of goods and services as the needs are identified.

You may contact the Purchasing Division at (337) 491-1263 or via email at purchasing@cityoflc.us to obtain a copy of the "How to do Business with the City of Lake Charles" booklet and/or the Bidder's Mailing List Application Form or click on the hyperlink for the document.

The Bidder's Application Form can be returned to the Purchasing Division as follows:

Fax: (337) 491-1405

Mail: City of Lake Charles - Purchasing Division

P.O. Box 900
Lake Charles , LA 70602
Email: purchasing@cityoflc.us

The City of Lake Charles Transit Dispute and Protest Procedures may be viewed by clicking the hyperlink.

You are encouraged to visit our office and an appointment made in advance will enable productive utilization of time for both parties. Our business hours are 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. We urge you to contact us at (337) 491-1263 to make an appointment so that we allow sufficient time to meet with you. You should bring catalogs, brochures, descriptive material and price lists to familiarize the buyers with your goods and services.



The Bureau of Fire Prevention is that part of the Lake Charles Fire Department which provides fire prevention services to the community through fire plan reviews, fire suppression tests, and fire and life safety inspections, fire investigations, public education and official records management.

The mission of the Lake Charles Bureau of Fire Prevention is to protect human life, property and the environment from fire. Our inspectors regularly inspect the premises of various occupancies within the Ward 3 metro area. We are also responsible for constantly updating and upgrading fire codes as needed. Inspectors perform code enforcement reviews, plan reviews and fire scene investigations to determine cause and nature of fires and participate in safety awareness programs.
The duties of the Bureau of Fire Prevention include the enforcement of all laws and ordinances covering the prevention of fires; the storage, shipping and use of explosives; the storage, shipping and dispensing, and use of flammable liquids; the storage. use or handling of hazardous materials, substances and devices; the installation and maintenance of automatic sprinklers, standpipes and fire alarm systems; and the adequacy of exits and emergency lighting in all occupancies.
Code Inspection Division
The Code Inspection Division provides the first line of defense in preventing fires, by ensuring the enforcement of fire codes. Inspectors with the Lake Charles Bureau of Fire Prevention are responsible for performing annual inspections to ensure compliance with the International Fire Safety Codes and NFPA-101 standards. These inspections ensure that all fire alarms and fire suppression systems are in working order. They inspect emergency lighting, emergency exits and fire doors.

ISO mandates annual inspections at nursing homes, hospitals day cares centers, high target areas (places of assembly), assisted living facilities and other mandated locations, all educational occupancies, public and private schools, and elementary through high school.

Current records indicate there are more than 5,000 occupancies within the City limits of Lake Charles and even more occupancies are located within Ward 3. New occupancies are found each week that require code enforcement inspections.

Fire Investigation Division

The Fire Investigation Division is responsible for investigating fires to determine origin and cause, whether the cause was accidental or incendiary. A quality investigation program provides a good deterrence to intentionally set fires/explosions within the jurisdiction. The identification and prosecution of arsonists is important in reducing loss of life and property through preventing intentionally set fires/explosions.

Public Education

Public Education is a major part of our fire prevention effort. We provide safety information and fire extinguisher training to schools, day cares, businesses and hospitals and civic and community organization using several different programs.

In our continuing effort to educated young people of the importance of fire safety and prevention, members of the Fire Prevention Bureau participated in numerous workshops and went to 34 area schools during Fire Prevention Week, nearly 6,000 students. We have continued our fire safety awareness program with juveniles through the Juvenile Fire Setter Program.

Smoke Detector Program

The Smoke Detector program is another arm of our fight in fire prevention is our smoke detection program to provide smoke detectors to senior citizens and others who have a need for them. Statistics show that in 2003, 93% of Lake Charles residents who experienced a fire did not have a working smoke detector in their home. Through proper education, both fires and injuries can be prevented.

The goal of the Lake Charles Bureau of Fire Prevention is to provide adequate education, inspection and investigation programs to make Lake Charles a safer place in which to live and work. The roles and responsibilities of the Bureau of Fire Prevention are established in Ordinance 13575 adopting the 2003 International Codes which were adopted in 2006. Prior to this, the City had been under a Standard Fire Prevention Code. Many changes have taken place since the adoption of these codes. We are currently under the 2015 edition of IFC (International Fire Code) and the 2015 edition of the NFPA 101 Life Safety Code.

The City of Lake Charles is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer and complies with all federal and state employment laws and city ordinances. The City of Lake Charles offers a wide scope of benefits for its regular employees. Benefits are available to employees on the first of the month following 30 days of employment.

Paid Leaves

Regular employees earn annual leave based on a rate that varies from .0385 to .0770 per hour worked. Sick leave is accrued at a rate that can vary from .0462 to .0692 for each hour worked. These rates vary depending on years of continuous service. Employees receive 11 paid holidays per year.


Employees participate in the Municipal Retirement System of Louisiana. Employees contribute 5 percent of their gross salary and the city contributes 6.75 percent. A tax-deferred supplemental retirement plan is also available through Nationwide and Valic for employees to join on a voluntary basis. Police Department and Fire Department employees participate in their own retirement systems. Contributions vary from year to year. Secretaries in respective departments are available to answer any questions you might have. 

Credit Union

The City of Lake Charles has a credit union that is available for all city employees. Employees may use payroll deduction for deposits.

Health Benefits

An excellent medical plan is available free to city employees. Dependents may be added for a cost to the employee. Term Life insurance is included with the medical policy. Cancer, Vision, Universal Life, Short Term Disability, Dental and Accident insurances are available to employees on a voluntary basis. Enrollment is at time of employment or in November of each year.

City of Lake Charles Map Information Services

The City of Lake Charles joined the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) on October 16, 1979, with the adoption of its floodplain management ordinance, Flood Insurance Rate Maps and Floodway Maps. The information on the flood insurance rate maps was obtained from the studies prepared by the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers under contract with FEMA. The NFIP requires each local government to join the flood insurance program by adoption of the flood hazard rate maps and an ordinance to guide development within the mapped floodplains.

Click here for a .pdf version of the City of Lake Charles Floodplain Management Regulations.

The City of Lake Charles became a participant of the Community Rating System in 2004 by obtaining a Class 9 rating, which gives the citizens a discount on their flood insurance premium. We save on an average of $200,000.00 each year for citizens due to our participation in the Community Rating System.

Click here to read more about City of Lake Charles Map Information Services.

Know Your Zone
Elevation Requirements of the NFIP
Please be aware of what flood zone your property is within. Perhaps you are preparing to build from the ground up, add a bedroom or simply remodel. If your property is within a Special Hazard Area, i.e. Flood Zone A or AE, there are specific guidelines which you and/or your contractor must follow.
Elevation requirements apply to more than simply the finished floor elevation. The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) is designed to protect structures and their necessary appurtenances, such as utilities and electrical equipment. In all A Zones (A and AE), regulations require that the top of a structure's lowest floor be elevated to or above the Base Flood Elevation (BFE). Copies of elevation certificates regarding permits on file can be obtained from the Office of Zoning and Land Use, located on the 7th floor of City Hall.
To find out more about the National Flood Insurance Program, what zone your property may be designated in or should you have flood insurance questions, you can contact your local floodplain manager at the Office of Zoning and Land Use.
Information about the Federal Emergency Management Agency
Information about Daily Stream Flow Conditions provided by USGS
Lake Charles Area Flood Map
New Flood Insurance Rate Maps effective February 18, 2011.


The Patrol Division of the Lake Charles Police Department is the oldest, largest and most visible unit of the department. The basic mission of the Patrol Division is to protect the lives and property of citizens while maintaining a sense of well-being within the community. The Patrol Division Officers are assigned to a specific area, known as a "beat," and are responsible for attending to citizen needs, hazards, suspicious activity, traffic violations and signs of criminal activity in that area.

Patrol officers are the first to respond to calls for help by citizens; therefore, these officers must be trained in all fields of law enforcement, including basic knowledge in other specialized fields such as identification, investigation, and communications.

The men and women of patrol are trained to respond quickly, assessing and managing all levels of police-related incidents, and are skilled in problem solving techniques to address any neighborhood or business concern.

The Code Enforcement Officer for the City of Lake Charles enforces ordinances through the Public Works Departments by concerns from citizens as well as city and parish departments.

Some concerns are low hanging limbs over the street, neutral grounds, sidewalks and right-of-ways. Low hanging limbs from trees on private property or neutral grounds abutting private property are the responsibility of the property owner to maintain.


Other areas of concerns are blind corners or obstructions. Blind corners and obstructions can be from hedges, bushes and/or portable signs.


Garbage can concerns are received and investigated to ensure residents remove their cans from the curb on the same day of collection.


Storm Water ordinance is enforced through the Public Works Department and concerns  include the blowing or discharging grass and leaves into the street.


Illegal signs placed on neutral grounds, right-of-ways and utility poles are enforced through the Public Works Department and a fine can be issued to the responsible parties if not removed after notification is received. Illegal signs can include businesses, garage sales, lost and found animals, or any advertisement signs posted on utility poles, between sidewalks and streets, or on any public property.


Park Hours 
Millennium Park March 2013 Ribbon Cutting
Millennium Park Phase II

The information below shows the progression and history of "Rebuilding Millennium Park" and the build of the Phase II Children's Park Project.

March 13, 2012 -City Gives Updates on Two Major Projects: Millennium Park -Phase II, Children's Playground and Gill Street Extension


Millennium Park Phase II

Millennium Park Rebuild
History of Rebuilding Millennium Park
Pictures, videos, and press releases
Millennium Park Lake Charles

Special Messages to the volunteers from Mayor Randy Roach:
November 28, 2011 - In case you missed it the American Press ran an article in Sunday's Life section highlighting the art work of members of the Rebuilding Millennium Park art committee. (full message)
November 14, 2011 - In case you missed it the American Press ran an editorial on Sunday that highlighted what our volunteers and sponsors have managed to accomplish in the last few weeks. (full message)
Letter of Thanks to the Community
A Letter of Thanks to the Community
Millennium Park Rebuild Day 1
Millennium Park Rebuild
October 22, 2011 - November 3, 2011
Millennium Park Rebuild
November 5, 2011
Millennium Park Rebuild
November 6, 2011
Leathers Topdown Plan
Millennium Park
Bord du Lac Park


Shiver Me Timbers Pirate Ship
"Shiver Me Timbers"
Pirate Ship
Leathers & Associates

Other Videos:
Prebuild Interviews LCB Interview 5 LCB Interview 4 LCB Interview 3
LCB Interview 2 Academy TV Interview 1 GRACE Donation Prebuild Phase
CC & BK Donation PPG & LRC Donation CPPJ Donation Casinos Donation
CVB Donation Precommittee Phase Filler Filler

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The City of Lake Charles Public Information Office is dedicated to serving all members of the Lake Charles community including residents, visitors, merchants and media representatives. Our mission is to ensure a consistent flow of information to and from city government regarding its policies, as well as increase awareness of City programs, services and recreational opportunities.

All public inquiries are promptly answered or directed to the appropriate City department. We appreciate your questions, comments, and any other feedback that will help us serve you better.  

Katie Harrington, Public Information Officer
The Public Information Officer is the primary point of contact for local and national media to receive up-to-date news related to the City of Lake Charles, City Council and Mayor Nic Hunter. If you have comments or questions about our purpose, mission, policies, or day-to-day activities, please email katie.harrington@cityoflc.us or call (337) 491-9176.
Katie Harrington, Website and Digital Media
Please direct all website and digital media inquiries to katie.harrington@cityoflc.us

To download a Written Request for Public Records form, click here.

Title VI Information

The City of Lake Charles fully complies with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and related statutes, executive orders, and regulations in all programs and activities.  The City operates without regard to race, color, national origin, income, gender, age, and disability.  Any person who believes him/herself or any specific class of persons, to be subjected to discrimination prohibited by Title VI may by him/herself or by representative file a written complaint with the City of Lake Charles.  The City's Title VI Coordinator may be reached by phone at (337) 491-1440, the Mayor's Action Line at (337) 491-1346, contact the appropriate Department Head, or download the Title VI Complaint Form.

Click here for more Title VI information.


Councilman John Ieyoub
Councilman John Ieyoub
Family, Community, Progress

John is a native of Lake Charles, the son of Kalil Ieyoub and Julie Ann Miller. He graduated from St. Louis Catholic High School and McNeese State University. While at McNeese he served 2 terms as Student Body President, was President of Blue Key National Honor Society, voted "Who's Who" among American college students, and is a member of Kappa Sigma Fraternity. Following McNeese he earned a master's degree in audiology from LSU.

John and his wife Heather Chovanec Ieyoub have 3 children, Hunter, Gambrelle, and Anderson. They are members of the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, where he is an usher and musician. He is also a member of the Lake Charles Chapter of Fusion 5, the Chamber Southwest, the Medical Group Management Association, and the NRA. He was appointed by Mayor Roach to serve on the campaign committee formed to promote the Downtown Development Bond. He has been active with the Children's Miracle Network, ACTS theatre, Autism Society, The United Way, and he and Heather co-chaired the American Cancer Society Show for Life.

He is Vice President of Mobile Imaging, Inc. and The Arthritis Center of Southwest Louisiana. Also, he is CEO of Ieyoub Management and Consulting Corporation.

As Lake Charles City Councilman, District D, his top priorities will include Downtown development, job growth with a focus on helping small business, flooding issues, and child safety. He will draw from his experience as a husband, father of three, and a small business owner to make informed, compassionate decisions. John will work to accomplish his goals by putting our city's families first, assuring the betterment and safety of our community, and by giving our city the tools it needs to continue to prosper.


Mardi Gras Gumbo Cook-off

Versatility is the name of the game when it comes to this room since practically any type of event can be held in the Exhibition Hall. Located on the first floor of the Lake Charles Event Center, the Exhibition Hall features direct access to a loading/unloading zone. There is over 17,981 square feet of open floor space in this room with a flexible capacity of up to 1,400 people, depending on the room's set-up. 

Several rental options are possible with this room. It can be rented as a full hall, with a theatre-style seating capacity of up to 1,400 people, or half of the hall can be rented for a theatre-style seating capacity of up to 700 people. 

There are two major exits leading from the front and rear of the building, with an access corridor leading directly into the James E. Sudduth Coliseum.

Access to commercial grade kitchen facilities is also available. 

Contact us today to learn more about renting the Exhibition Hall or any of our other great facilities.

Click the image below to view a slideshow of Exhibition Hall images. 

 here to return to the Venues page. 

The Comprehensive Annual Financial Report of the City of Lake Charles is prepared annually by the City's Finance Department in conformity with generally accepted auditing standards.

Since 1984 the City has received the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting and since 2011 the City has received the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award from the Government Finance Officers Association. In order to be awarded a Certificate of Achievement, a government must publish an easily readable and efficiently organized comprehensive annual financial report. Such reports must satisfy both GAAP and applicable legal requirements.

Current Adopted Operating and Capital Budget:

City of Lake Charles Adopted Operating & Capital Budget FY24-25

*Please note, the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) is a long-term planning document used to identify projects and programs over the course of the next several years. 

Special Note: Bookmarks and page numbers contained in the table of contents are all clickable links. 

Annual Financial Reports:

City of Lake Charles Annual Financial Report for Year Ending September 30, 2023

City of Lake Charles Uniform Guidance Report for Year Ending September 30, 2023

**Past year's Financial Reporting Documents and Adopted Budgets can be found up the Topics of Interest heading to the right of this screen. Click on Archived Financial Reports. 

Permitting Procedures
Present all required documents as listed at time of review with required review fee. This initiates the 10-20 day review process.
  • Planning and Codes divisions will review pertinent commercial building and zoning codes.
  • Office of Zoning and Land Use will determine that the property has been properly platted and addressed.
  • If the property is determined to be located within a Flood Hazard area, an elevation certificate may be required.
  • Upon approval, applicant's permit may now be issued and the construction may then proceed.
Required Documents
One complete digital set of plans drawn to scale (1/8", 1/4", etc.) must be submitted to the Permit Center for review and approval prior to the issuance of a building permit for all commercial and multi-family projects. All plans shall give the name, address and phone number of the person responsible for the design. These plans must include:
Vicinity Plan - Normally taken from the abstract. Shows the adjacent and surrounding lots and streets within that block. (Needed in order to assign addresses, check buffer requirements, setback requirements, etc.)
Legal Description of Property - Normally taken from the abstract. Required of all new construction.
Site Plan - Shows the entire project on the proposed lot. Show all existing structures and proposed new structures and additions. Setback dimensions from structures to the property line and setbacks between all structures. Parking layout, driveways, curb cuts, etc.

Grading Plan – May be included on the site plan. Must contain the following: North Arrow, property/lot dimensions, ditches, water bodies, rain water flow across property, storm drains, culverts, catch basins, limitations of grading area and grass buffers if present, all erosion and sediment control structures (silt fences, hay bales, gravel entrances, etc.).

Floor & Structural Plans - Show each room and its use, all partitions, dimensions, doors, windows, etc. Size and direction of ceiling joist and roof rafters.
Foundation Plan - Placement of interior and exterior footings, footing design, shafts, reinforcing steel, etc. Details showing structural members, fireproofing, interior finish, etc. Total square feet and the type of construction of both existing and new construction.
Electrical Plans - Shall include riser diagrams, circuit schedules and the connected load. Electrical contractor shall obtain an electrical permit.
Plumbing Plans - Shall include riser diagrams and other details necessary to determine plumbing code compliance. Plumbing contractor shall obtain a plumbing permit.
Heating & Air Conditioning Plans - Shall include mechanical design. Mechanical contractor shall obtain a mechanical permit.
Occupancy use, floor loads, and other details may be required depending upon the use and type of construction.
Fire Sprinkler Plans

Calcasieu Hazard Mitigation Plan Update 2020

Hazard Mitigation is defined as sustained actions taken to reduce or eliminate long-term risk from hazards and their effects.  Hazard Mitigation Planning is the process through which natural hazards that threaten communities are identified, likely impacts of those hazards are determined, mitigation goals are set, and appropriate strategies that would lessen the impacts are determined, prioritized, and implemented.

In that regard, this plan (a) documents the Calcasieu Parish Hazard Mitigation Plan Update process; (b) identifies natural hazards and risks within the parish; and (c) identifies the parish's hazard mitigation strategy to make Calcasieu Parish less vulnerable and more disaster resistant.  It also includes mitigation project scoping to further identify scopes of work, estimated costs, and implementation timing requirements of proposed selected mitigation projects.  Information in the plan will be used to help guide and coordinate mitigation activities and local policy decisions affecting future land use.

The Calcasieu Parish Hazard Mitigation Plan is a multi-jurisdictional plan that includes the following jurisdictions which participated in the planning process:  City of Lake Charles, City of DeQuincy, City of Sulphur, City of Westlake, Town of Iowa, Town of Vinton.

Click here to download the Calcasieu Hazard Mitigation Plan Update 2020.

Traffic Division
The Traffic Division is responsible for traffic enforcement and collision investigation for the City of Lake Charles. The Traffic Division investigates all traffic fatalities, follows-up on hit & run accidents and enforces parking violations.
This division also conducts traffic studies and provides escort services for VIPs, parade events and funerals.
Motors at Mardi Gras

The Solid Waste Division of the Public Works Department provides garbage and trash collection and wood waste processing services for the City of Lake Charles. Garbage and non-burnable items collected from residences are taken to the Jeff Davis Landfill or the Waste Management Transfer Station. Burnable items are incinerated at the Wood Waste Processing Facility.

Solid Waste Division Responsibilities

  • Furnish once-a-week garbage container collection.
  • Provide container maintenance and repair on all city-supplied-and-owned containers.
  • Provide collection of trash and yard waste from residences a minimum of two times per month.
  • Provide a citywide collection of white goods from residences when required. All white goods must be free from all perishable food items. They must have the doors/lids removed or taped shut for public safety.
  • Operate a wood waste processing facility for the general public.

Curbside Pick Up Information:

What is eligible for collection?

White goods

White goods are considered to be any household appliances including stoves, washing machines, dryers, window air conditioners, freezers and refrigerators. White goods must be totally separated from other MSW to allow for separate collection. Commercial businesses that deliver and install new appliances are required to remove the old appliances from the premise and insure proper disposal. The Clean Air Act prohibits knowingly venting ozone-depleting refrigerants (ex. Freon) while servicing or disposing of air conditioning/refrigeration equipment. Examples of equipment are refrigerators, freezers, and air conditioners, including automobile air conditioners and other equipment that contains refrigerants. In order for the City to remove these items, the refrigerant must be removed.

Building materials

The following items will be considered to be building materials; soil, metal, metal fencing, roofing material, sheetrock, ceiling tiles, floor tiles, paneling, carpet, plaster, concrete or other substances that may accumulate as a result of new construction, a demolition, common repairs, remodeling, building operations, or as a result of clearing lots.  The owner shall have such items removed at their own expense

Tree and shrubbery trimmings 

Waste accumulation of tree branches, tree limbs, parts of trees, bushes, shrubbery, cuttings or clippings, or other waste usually created as refuse in the case of trees or bushes. Tree limbs are not to exceed four feet in length and four inches in diameter. 

Yard waste 

It shall include cuttings of grass and weeds, fallen leaves, branches and vines, trees or limbs in any form which have been cut in lengths which can be easily handled and picked up, and do not exceed four feet in length or exceed four inches in diameter and weigh less than 50 pounds. All fallen leaves and to the maximum extent possible, small limbs and vines shall be placed in plastic bags. Yard waste must be totally separated from other MSW to allow for separate collection. Any limbs not conforming to the required length and diameter requirements will not be collected by the city. Trees and debris as a result of initial clearing of lots or as a result of building operations shall not be collected by the city. The owner shall have such items removed at his own expense. 

What is ineligible for curbside collection?

Sec. 9-14.  Items not to be collected.

  • White goods that contain refrigerants will not be picked up by the City. The Clean Air Act prohibits knowingly venting ozone-depleting refrigerants (ex. Freon) while servicing or disposing of air conditioning/refrigeration equipment. Examples of equipment are refrigerators, freezers, and air conditioners, including other equipment that contains refrigerants In order for the City to remove these items, the refrigerant must be removed.
  • The following items will be considered to be building materials: fencing material, roofing material, sheetrock, ceiling tiles, floor tiles, paneling, paint, carpet, plaster, concrete or other substances that may accumulate as a result of new construction, a demolition, common repairs, remodeling, building operations, or as a result of clearing lots.
  • The owner must have all aforementioned items removed at their expense.

(Ord. No. 9709, § 1, 10-12-92)

Sec. 9-15.  Yard waste commercially cut.

Every nursery man, tree surgeon, and every person who cuts or trims trees, or shrubs as an independent contract shall remove or cause to be removed all yard waste from the premises serviced by him and it shall be unlawful for such persons to deposit any tree, tree or shrub cuttings or trimmings at any location for collection by the city.

(Ord. No. 9709, § 1, 10-12-92)

Sec. 9-16.  -  Illegal piles

  • Illegal pile defined. An illegal pile shall be any unauthorized accumulation of garbage or trash, litter, refuse, rubbish, appliances, building/construction debris or material, tires, limbs, trees, paint, or other discarded materials or debris or yard waste unlawfully placed on the curb side, neutral grounds, or premises, this includes vacant lots,  when chapter 9, chapter 10, or any other provision, of the city’s Code of Ordinance requires such accumulation to be disposed of by the owner and/or prohibits its collection by the department of public works.


The City of Lake Charles is teaming up with Second Harvest Food Bank and area churches to sponsor a Summer and After School Food Service Program.

The Summer Feeding Program provides free breakfast and lunch to all children 18 years of age or younger. 

Summer 2024 site are depicted on the map below. 

Lunch will be served daily, Monday through Friday, until Friday, July 26. Sites will be closed on Wednesday, June 19, for the Juneteenth holiday observance and Thursday, July 4, for the Fourth of July holiday observance.

All children ages 18 and under will receive meals at no charge. No registration is required. Program acceptance and participation requirements are the same for all children - regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, or disability. Meals will be provided on a first-come, first-served basis from 11:30 a.m.- 12:30 p.m.

Summer Feeding 2024

The After School Feeding Program is currently available at College Oaks Recreation Center, Donald Ray Stevens Community Center, McMillan Community Center and Henry Heights Recreation Center. Meals are available to registered participants, Monday through Friday after school.

Acceptance and participation requirement for the program are the same for all regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability, and there will be no discrimination in the course of the meal service. 

For more information, please call 337 491-1280.

Friends of Tuten Park Banner
Upcoming Events at Tuten Park

Tuten Park, a 24-acre Woodland Park, is a sanctuary for birds and host to native flowers and trees. The Master Plan includes nature trails, picnic areas, exhibits, wetland ponds, a preserved forest, children's playground, lookout tower and other unique urban features.
Friends of Tuten Park
City of Lake Charles Recreation Department Diggers and Weeders Garden Club Lake Charles Lake Charles Garden Club
Boy Scouts of America Girl Scouts of Louisiana Team Green of SWLa
Junior Team Green Calcasieu Parish Public and Private Schools McNeese State University
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service National Wildlife Refuge System