With beautiful natural habitats, fresh water marshes, scenic rivers, inviting sunsets on the lakefront, warm sandy beaches, coupled with smiling faces and warm hearts, Lake Charles is an inviting place to call home. There is a variety of dining, shopping, and entertainment experiences awaiting your enjoyment. Attractions include the Charpentier Historical District, the Port of Lake Charles, Millennium and Adventure Cove parks, 1911 Historic City Hall, and the Central School Arts and Humanities Center. Lake Charles possesses many of the appealing characteristics and qualities of a great urban center, yet maintains that "personable feel" of a smaller town.
Mayor Nic Hunter
It is a pleasure, as Mayor of the City of Lake Charles, to welcome you to our website. As you browse the site, you will find information regarding the history of our city, community events, online water bill payment, emergency information, city news and numerous local governmental topics.


The City of Lake Charles is actively involved with major downtown and lakefront development projects, as well as citywide infrastructure improvements that will bring new life and energy into an area of historic, cultural and economic significance.

With beautiful natural habitat areas, freshwater marshes, scenic rivers, beautiful sunsets on the lakefront, warm sandy beaches, coupled with smiling faces and warm hearts, Lake Charles is an inviting place to call home. There are a variety of dining, shopping, and entertainment experiences awaiting your enjoyment. Attractions of interest include the Charpentier Historical District, the Port of Lake Charles, Millennium and Adventure Cove Parks, 1911 Historic City Hall, and the Central School Arts and Humanities Center. Lake Charles possesses many of the appealing characteristics and qualities of a great urban center yet maintains that "personable feel" of a smaller town.
We have designed this website for accessibility to city information and services. Whether you are a resident, businessperson, or visitor, we hope it provides a useful and comprehensive source of information. Check frequently for current Lake Charles news, as we will update this site daily and add more online features.
Nic Hunter, Mayor
Join us on Facebook
John Cardone, Jr. City Administrator
The City Administrator is responsible for the professional management of the day-to-day operations of the City, including general supervision, administration and management. The City of Lake Charles operates under a Mayor-City Council form of government. Under this system, the Mayor appoints and recommends to the City Council and the Council votes to appoint the City Administrator, who is the chief appointed administrator for the City.
The City Administrator works closely with the Mayor, City Council and City Departments to develop and implement policies and procedures for the City. The City Administrator is responsible for the supervision and management of City Departments, including: reviewing and advising departments on financial and operational management, setting organizational strategies and goals, establishing methods and procedures on program planning and operational efficiencies, and acting as the City's liaison to local and state government entities and to other elected officials and government agencies.


John Cardone, Jr. serves as City Administrator for the City of Lake Charles and has over 35 years of experience in municipal government. A graduate of Louisiana State University, Cardone holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Administration. Through postgraduate studies, he obtained certification and continuing education as a building plan examiner, building code analyst in the Legal Aspects of Code Administration, in Management-Effective Supervision and in Emergency Management.

A Message from the City Administrator, John Cardone, Jr.


Hello and welcome to Lake Charles, Louisiana. I'm John Cardone, Jr., City Administrator for the City of Lake Charles. It is my privilege to introduce you to our city and a few of the many amenities of our area.


Located in the southwest corner of the state, Lake Charles is bordered by bayous, rivers, and lakes with a deep-water channel that leads to the Gulf of Mexico. Access to these waterways provides for excellent fishing, hunting and other celebrated sports activities in the Lake Area. Lake Charles is also known for its diverse arts and culture programming/events, casino resorts, many music venues, excellent cuisine and many great festivals that occur throughout the year.


Lake Charles covers just nearly 48 square miles, serves a community of more than 82,300 people and is a great place to raise a family. The city has a healthy economy, which makes it a prime location for business, industry and other development. 

Lake Charles City Government employs approximately 1000 employees and has an Operating and Capital Budget for fiscal year 2023-2024 of $273.1 million of which $93.2 million (including $10.9 million in operating transfers) is for the General Fund operations which include Fire, Police, Public Works, General Government, Finance, Human Resources and Planning and Development. The City also operates four Enterprise Funds for Water, Transit, the Civic Center and a Golf Course and has various special revenue budgets including Disaster Recovery, Wastewater, Gaming, Recreation and other Community Service funds. The total combined budget includes a Capital Budget of $47.3 million that will be combined with funds authorized in previous years for numerous large projects, ongoing rehabilitation of existing infrastructure and long-term disaster recovery projects.

On behalf of all our employees, we will continue to strive to provide the highest quality of professional service to the citizens of our community, and we welcome all to come and visit our proud "city on the lake."   

The City Council of Lake Charles is here to serve you! The council is divided into districts with representatives for each district who come together and meet on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of every month. Agenda meetings are held on the Tuesday of the week prior to the regular City Council of Lake Charles meeting. Meetings are held in the City Council Chambers, located on the 1st Floor of City Hall, 326 Pujo Street, Lake Charles.
Meet your district representative by clicking on the district link located on the left side of the page.
Be sure to check out the "Events" calendar for more specific dates or for any special meetings. Please contact Renee Deville, Clerk of the Council, for more information at 337-491-1290.
District A Ronnie Harvey, Jr.
District B Luvertha W. August - Council Vice President until July 2025
District C Rodney Geyen
District D John Ieyoub 
District E Stuart Weatherford 
District F Craig Marks - Council President until July 2025
District G Mark Eckard 
City Council
Contact Information

City Council Contact Information

Regular Meetings of the Lake City Council are held on the first and third Wednesday of each month. Agenda Meetings of the Lake Charles City Council are held on the Tuesday preceding. Click the link below to view a printable version of the 2016 City Council Regular Meeting and Agenda Meeting Schedule.

Please use the form(s) below to request to speak at a Regular City Council meeting.  The form(s) must be printed, filled out and brought the Clerk of the City Council or designated staff member before the meeting begins. 


City Court Seal

The Lake Charles City Court was established by the State of Louisiana.  It is called City Court, but it has jurisdiction over all of Ward 3, Calscasieu Parish.  City Court has authority to decide certain Juvenile, Traffic, and Criminal matters as well as Civil disputes up to $25,000 in amount. 
Mission - To provide courteous and efficient judicial service to the citizens of Lake Charles and Calcasieu Parish.
Visit the Lake Charles City Court at http://www.lccitycourt.org
Visit the Ward 3 Marshal at http://www.ward3marshal.org/


Lake Charles at Dawn

 What We Do

Located on 64 acres on the eastern rim of sparkling Lake Charles, the Lake Charles Civic Center is a focal point for entertainment, cultural, social, educational events and more. The versatility of the Lake Charles Civic Center allows guests to take in regular performances from the many theatrical groups, dance troupes and musical groups like the Lake Charles Symphony and the Community Band. The Lake Charles Civic Center is also home to annual favorite festivals such as Louisiana’s second largest Mardi Gras festival, Louisiana Pirate Festival, the Marshland Festival and many more.

For the outdoor lover, opportunities abound. Stroll along the boardwalk, take in an outdoor concert, visit the Bord du Lac Marina or spend the day playing in Millennium Park.

From monster truck shows, wrestling, MMA fights and rodeos to weddings, formal Mardi Gras balls, reunions, graduations and conferences, the Lake Charles Civic Center is a diverse events hub in the growing Lake Charles metropolitan area.

To learn more about the Lake Charles Civic Center and its various spaces available for rent, click the image below.
Civic Center

The Community Development Division offers a variety of programs that contribute to neighborhood revitalization, economic development and improved community facilities and services within the City limits of Lake Charles.
The City receives Community Development Block Grant and HOME Investment Partnership Program funding through the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), to principally benefit low-to-moderate income persons.
Community Development Programs

Important Documents

HRRP Lead/Asbestos/FFRMS Notices


Public Notice - Huber Park Floodplain Early Notice

Public Notice- 2024 Action Plan Amendment

Public Notice - 2024 Draft Action Plan - Public Comment Period

Public Hearing - 2024 Action Plan

Public Notice - Availability of 2024 DRAFT Action Plan for Review

Public Notice - Brownfield Cleanup

Public Notice - Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Review and Comment Period

Public Notice - HOME-ARP Allocation Plan Comment Period and Public Hearing

Public Notice - Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery

Public Notice - Louisiana Love Outdoors Grant Application

Love Louisiana Outdoors Program Application

Title VI Compliance

The City of Lake Charles fully complies with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and related statutes and regulations in all programs and activities.   For more information, or to obtain a Title VI Complaint Form, click here or call the Mayor’s Action Line at (337) 491-1346, or contact the appropriate Department Head, or call the Title VI coordinator at (337) 491-1440.

Title VI complaints must be filed within 180 days of the alleged occurrence.

Language Assistance Request

If you have a need to request information or materials in a language other than English, please view the Language Assistance Request form or contact the Community Development Department at 337-491-1440.

ADA Accommodations Requests

Pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), qualified individuals who need accessible communication aids and services or other reasonable accommodations in order to participate in City of Lake Charles provided services, programs and activities are invited to make their needs known to the City's Title VI/ADA Coordinator at (337) 491-1440. Please provide at least a 72-hour advanced notice so that we can adequately meet your needs.

ADA Complaint Process and Form
To learn more about the ADA complaint process and to access the form, click here.
Cultural Affairs Division
Downtown at Sundown 2022 FGBYO Flamenco Dancers
The City of Lake Charles' Cultural Affairs Division supports creativity at the grassroots level, making investments in dozens of festivals, community cultural projects and youth arts programs each year. Southwest Louisiana is home to a thriving arts community, complete with exhibitions, festivals, dance, music and live theatre performances.

Partnering with the Arts & Humanities Council of SWLA to distribute funds, the Lake Charles Partnership Assistance Grant provides much-needed assistance to arts organizations and art projects domiciled within the City of Lake Charles. Past recipients include organizations such as Artists Civic Theatre & Studio (ACTS), Black Heritage Festival, Lake Charles Community Band, Bulber Youth Orchestra, Children’s Theatre Company, Louisiana Choral Foundation, Children’s Museum, Cajun French Music Association, McNeese Banners Series and many, many more.

The City operates two cultural centers. Historic City Hall Arts and Cultural Center hosts numerous arts and cultural exhibits annually, including Pablo Picasso, Ansel Adams, Norman Rockwell, and one of the most-visited exhibitions Titanic: The Artifact Exhibition. In addition, two local art galleries are housed in the facility: Black Heritage Gallery and Gallery by the Lake. Central School Arts and Humanities Center serves as an incubator for individual artists and arts groups and is home to the Arts & Humanities Council of SWLA.

The City of Lake Charles’ “Light Up the Lake” Christmas Festival and “Red, White, Blue and You” Fourth of July Festival have been recognized by the Southeast Tourism Society’s Top 20 events numerous times. The City's four part concert series, Downtown at Sundown, is also one of the Lake Area's most loved events. This summertime staple event showcases local and regional talent from musical entertainers to culinary delights. These arts and culture events are just some of the reasons why Lake Charles was ranked in the top 10 happiest cities in America by the U.S. National Bureau of Economic Research.

CMSWLA DTSD building photo Gallery Guests 1


Photo: Lindsey Janies, LJPcommercial.com          

The City of Lake Charles has a unique downtown district that is quickly becoming the heart of the city. The City's lakefront and downtown area offer a variety of entertainment and economic options, attracting visitors, residents and businesses to the area.

The Lake Charles downtown area provides many options for leisure. On the shore of our freshwater lake is the only white sand inland beach on the Gulf Coast. A boardwalk stretches the length of the lakefront connecting the beach to a series of waterfront parks, including Millennium Park, the Veteran's Memorial Park and the September 11th Memorial. The city hosts many events on the lakefront including, water sports shows, boat parades, firework displays, and festivals. The Lake Charles Event Center and Arcade Amphitheatre provide venues for a variety of live entertainment.
Downtown Lake Charles is the center point of economic growth for the city. Restaurants, shops, arts and cultural centers, and other businesses attract visitors to this developing area. Downtown at Sundown and the Charlestown Farmer's Market are just a couple of examples of popular events that showcase downtown Lake Charles. The Downtown Development Authority works with businesses to plan growth in the Downtown Historic District.
The City of Lake Charles wishes to preserve the historical atmosphere of the downtown area, encouraging businesses to restore historic structures and construct new structures that complement the existing architecture. Examples of this focus on historic preservation include the Charpentier Historic District, 1911 City Hall and Central School, which serve as artistic and cultural centers for the community. 
The Finance Department is comprised of the Finance Administration Services Division, the Accounting Division and the Purchasing Division. It is charged with the depositing of tax proceeds (property and sales taxes). These taxes are collected by the Calcasieu Parish Sheriff's Office (property taxes) and the Calcasieu Parish School Board (sales tax) per Joint Service Agreements. The collection of various license and permit fees, along with the collection of other monies due the city except as otherwise provided for by law. The department is also required to maintain the city's treasury and carry out centralized accounting, purchasing, disbursement and asset management functions. In addition, the city charter requires that the department prepare and administer the City's annual operating and capital budget.
As required by governmental accounting standards, the City's accounts are organized into self-contained funds. Activities considered to be governmental in nature are accounted for in the General Fund, Special Revenue Funds, the Debt Service and Capital Projects Funds. The City maintains a total of seven proprietary funds, in which financial activity is reported on a basis similar to that of private business. The categories includes four enterprise funds - Transit, Event Center, Golf Course and Water - in which services are provided to the general public. Then three internal service funds, in which services are provided primarily to the City's own departments or employees.
An annual independent audit of the City's financial statements is required by the city charter and by state and federal law. However, the City's Finance Department is responsible for preparation of all financial statements which are subject to audit and presented in the City's Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports. Since 1984 the City has received the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting and since 2011 the City has received the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award. Both awards are issued annually by the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada.
The mission of the Lake Charles Fire Department is to preserve life, property and the environment by responding to requests for assistance, both emergency and non-emergency. This will be accomplished through training, public education, inspection and quality assurance. The department will deliver this service in a manner that reflects pride and respect for the community.
Lake Charles Fire Department
 The Lake Charles Fire Department operates under the leadership of Chief Delton Carter.
Chief Carter

A lifelong resident of Lake Charles, Chief Carter grew up in the Goosport area of the city. He eventually finished his last years of high school at Lake Charles-Boston H.S. which is when he joined the Army during his senior year to become a 19 Delta Cavalry Scout.

After completing basic training, his first duty station was Fort Hood, Texas. It wasn’t long before he was sent overseas to Saudi Arabia, where he would spend nearly a year serving during the Gulf War. He returned to Fort Hood but eventually went back to the Middle East for three more tours. Chief Carter also did tours on all seven continents during his 15-year time in service.

Chief Carter joined the Lake Charles Fire Department in 1999. He said being a firefighter was physically demanding and he knew a lengthy career riding on the fire truck was not in the cards. He left the fire department briefly to work in the industrial field, but once he returned, a new opportunity came his way.

Chief Carter passed the test required to get into the fire department’s training division in 2002. Over the next three years, he received a number of certifications and attended an instructor class at Louisiana State University. “Everything you train your guys on, you have to be certified,” he said. “I had to go back to an academy to teach at an academy.”

While in the training division, Carter said the qualifications evolved. To attend classes at the National Fire Academy in Maryland, a bachelor’s degree was required. Chief Carter enrolled in Columbia Southern University in Alabama 2013. He first got an associate’s degree in fire science, then his bachelor’s degree in fire administration, and continuing on to receive his MBA in Human Resource Management all while continuing to teach at the fire academy. “It wasn’t easy, but I knew I needed to do it, I needed to separate myself from the pack,” he said.

Chief Carter was promoted as the fire department’s Chief Training Officer in March 2021 before becoming the Fire Chief of the Lake Charles Fire Department by appointment from Mayor Nic Hunter and an adopted resolution from the Lake Charles City Council in support of his decision on January 5 of 2022.  


The Human Resources Department of the City of Lake Charles is located on the 2nd floor of City Hall on Pujo Street. The City of Lake Charles is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer and complies with all federal and state employment laws and city ordinances.
The major services that the City of Lake Charles Human Resources Department offers are:
  • Responsible for all personnel administration of the City of Lake Charles employees
  • Administers the hiring, processing and orientation of all new employees
  • Monitors personnel policies and new employment legislation as they relate to the City and our employees
  • Provides advice on employment matters to the City Council, Mayor, and other departments

The Permit Center is a centralized location for obtaining development permits and for acquiring information on all construction, zoning and land use requirements for the City of Lake Charles. The City of Lake Charles Permit Center establishes rules and regulations for the construction, alteration, repair, removal, relocation, demolition and the use and occupancy of buildings, structures or premises.
The Permit Center is also responsible for the following:
  • Review plans for compliance of new construction and alteration of existing structures
  • Issue building, electrical, plumbing, gas, and mechanical permits
  • Perform inspections of various trades on new and altered buildings to assure compliance with codes
  • License various construction trades, such as building, electrical, plumbing, gas and mechanical contractors
  • Investigate complaints dealing with building, electrical, plumbing, gas, mechanical, zoning or property standards, such as junk vehicles, junk materials, garbage and trash, or tall grass on private property
  • Handles condemnation procedures


New Construction Elevation Standards

Effective 1/1/21

The following minimum foundation elevation requirement is established to provide protection from flooding events in the City.  The minimum floor elevation shall be one (1) foot above the highest of the following four (4) measurements.

1.  The BFE measurement value in flood hazard areas AE and VE shall be based on the latest Calcasieu Parish Flood Insurance Study (FIS).  The BFE measurement value for flood hazard area A is a site-specific value determined by the COE after application by the City.

     a.   For sites with a BFE of nine (9) feet or less, the minimum measurement value shall be ten (10) feet or

     b.   For all other sites, the minimum measurement value elevation shall be the BFE;

2.  The measurement value at the center line of the nearest street across from or adjacent to the structure, except for a corner lot adjacent to multiple streets where the lower centerline street elevation shall control;

3.  The measurement value at the top of the nearest upstream or downstream sanitary sewer manhole where a community or municipal system is provided, or;

4.  The measurement value of the highest recorded historical or modeled (100-year) inundation level, if known.

     a.   All enclosed residential or commercial structures/buildings, and any substantial improvements related to the same, shall be constructed at the minimum floor elevation as established above.

     b.   All mechanical equipment and all sewerage lift stations must also comply with the above minimum lowest floor elevation requirements.

If you have any questions about this requirement or for a copy of the full ordinance you may contact the Zoning Office at 337-491-1542.


To apply online for a permit please click here and then click on New Account and create an account. Follow the prompts and enter all information for each field. The last page will be where you will upload the electronic copies of your plans and documents. Make sure to upload all the required documents (building plans, site plan, grading plan, water and sewer availability form, storm water BMP photos etc.) and click submit.    NOTE:  SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REQUIRED FOR EACH TRADE.

The required forms are available for download by clicking here. Once our Permit Techs verify that all required documents have been submitted you will receive an email with an invoice with detailed instructions on how to pay online for the plan review. The application will then be forwarded through the review process. Once each Plan Reviewer reviews the plans they may electronically request more information, at which time you will be notified by email, or they will electronically approve the plans at which time the Permit Techs will invoice you for the cost of the permit which you can pay online. You will then receive an electronic copy of the permit.

If you have any questions regarding permit requirements for Building, Electrical, Mechanical or Plumbing activity on your property, please contact the Permit Center at (337) 491-1294.

Effective August 1, 2019, statutory changes were made in regards to the use of residential and commercial licenses.  Please follow this link http://www.lslbc.louisiana.gov/announcements/bulletin-details/2019/ to the Louisiana State Licensing Board for Contractors for current updates to state rules and regulations.  (The supervision and enforcement of these provisions of state law are under the exclusive jurisdiction of the Louisiana State Licensing Board of Contractors.)

Access the City of Lake Charles GIS Data by clicking button below.
 Access the City of Lake Charles GIS data by clicking the button below.

Through the Planning Commission, the Planning Department is tasked with the principal authority to evaluate, formulate, plan and execute the basic ingredients of the "City's Urban Policy."  
We also oversee and administer programs that directly influence the quality of life within the City of Lake Charles. A few of these include zoning and land use enforcement, historic preservation, downtown development, subdivision administration and floodplain management. We follow current trends and have several community plans to foster development in all areas of the City.
The Planning Department strives to administer safe, balanced, aesthetically pleasing and sustainable physical developments to Lake Charles while protecting the larger public interest and improving quality. 
As a partner and through Chamber SWLA, the City of Lake Charles is dedicated to improving the economic reinvestment in the community. We feel this commitment will provide a foundation of indicators for quality living throughout the area. 
Short and long-term strategic planning efforts coupled with state and federal program coordination are accomplished through the City's physical development departments. 



The primary objective of the speed table program is the reduction of vehicle speeds on residential/subdivision streets. There may be certain beneficial side effects to speed table installations, such as a reduction in arterial traffic diverted to local streets, but the intended purpose is speed control. The following information is intended to answer the most common questions regarding the speed table program.

Speed tables are typically 22 feet in the direction of travel with 6-foot ramps on each end and a 10-foot flat section in the middle. The height of speed tables is approximately 3 to 4 inches high.  Click here for the criteria and participation forms.

On October 19, 2005, the Lake Charles City Council adopted Ordinance No. 13520 suspending the issuance of permits for the installation of billboards along the I-10 and I-210 corridor.

On April 16, 2014, the Lake Charles City Council adopted Ordinance No. 16922 amending Ordinance No. 13520 to read as follows: The City Council of the City of Lake Charles, Louisiana, hereby suspends the issuance of permits for the installation of additional billboards or signage within the City of Lake Charles, but not limited to the I-10 and I-210 corridors, with an exception for movement of existing permits to relocate signs subject to the same rules and regulations for placement and size. However, the face area of any sign relocated in the city shall not be larger than the sign it replaces and shall be subject to review by the Planning Commission as a minor conditional use permit. No sign shall be installed on the location of a sign that is relocated under the terms of this ordinance.

Through their dedication, the men and women of the Lake Charles Police Department have made outstanding achievements in the area of community partnerships and fostering a greater sense of effectiveness while striving to Police Badge Logoreduce the incidence of crime and disorder in the City of Lake Charles.
Please use the information here to learn more about your Police Department and how you can get involved.
Safe & Secure Program
The goal of this program is to prevent burglaries and thefts in residential areas and small businesses, aid in the recovery of stolen property and apprehend burglary and theft suspects in the City of Lake Charles. Click here to learn more about this program. 
Please contact us using the information provided on these web pages, or at (337) 491-1456.

The Lake Charles Police Department operates under the leadership of Chief Shawn Caldwell.

Chief Caldwell

Born and raised in Lake Charles, Chief Shawn Caldwell is proud to call Lake Charles home. A product of the Calcasieu Parish School system, he attended Fairview Elementary School, FK White Middle School and graduated from LaGrange High School in 1989.

After graduating from high school, Caldwell attended McNeese State University before beginning his career with the Lake Charles Police Department (LCPD) as a patrol officer in 1993. It was not long after beginning his journey with LCPD that he met his future wife, Lorri.

In 1995, Caldwell moved from the Patrol Division to Community Policing and was assigned as a bicycle police officer. Another year passed before he moved to the Traffic Division and became a motorcycle officer. This year, 1996, would also be the year that he and Lorri married. They started a family together and today are the proud parents of three children, Jacob, Grant and Aubrey. Jacob, 21, is a student at McNeese State University. Grant, 18, is a senior at Barbe High School and Aubrey, 16, is a junior at Barbe High School.

In his early years with the department, Caldwell received basic police officer training, graduated from the local police academy and completed other basic requirements along with additional community policing training. His time in the Traffic Division, however, afforded him the opportunity to attend more specialized training and Caldwell became a Traffic Accident Reconstructionist. It is this training that Caldwell credits with preparing him to investigate fatal traffic crashes. Additionally, was awarded instructor certification in a partnership with the Louisiana Peace Officers Standards and Training (POST), the FBI and the Louisiana Commission on Law Enforcement. He also received training as a certified instructor defensive tactics instructor and many other certifications.

In 2003, Caldwell’s career with the department took a little different path. He was transferred to the Professional Standards Division as a Recruiting and Hiring Officer. In this new Division, he was also one of the department’s Internal Affairs (IA) investigators where he investigated allegations of misconduct against employees of the department. While this was not something he aspired to become, he remembers this time of his career as an enlightening time where he realized the importance of this division, as well as several aspects of police department administration, including discipline, civil service and many other areas.

After two years in Professional Standards, Caldwell was promoted to Sergeant in 2005 and became a patrol shift supervisor. This was another new aspect of law enforcement for him to learn as in this new role he was now responsible not only for supervising fellow officers, but also motivating them. He attended additional training courses and brought this new knowledge back to the department.

Caldwell continued to supervise that shift of men and women until 2010 when he once again answered the call to serve in Professional Standards Division as an IA Investigator.

In 2013, 20 years after his career with the department began, he would take the next big step with LCPD when we was promoted to Deputy Chief over the Support Bureau. He once again found himself with new opportunities grow his law enforcement experience, including budget and fleet management, narcotics task force supervision and other duties now under his command. Once again, he sought the training needed to carry out his new responsibilities and in 2015, the same year he graduated from the FBI National Academy, he moved from the Support Bureau to the Operations Bureau where he served until being appointed the new Chief of Police at the end of 2018. He officially assumed his role as Chief of Police on January 16, 2019.

Chief Shawn Caldwell’s now 30-year career with LCPD has provided him with many opportunities to train and become a better, more well-rounded police officer. Beyond his time on the front line, he says his experiences with LCPD have also made him a better person, husband and father.

The Department of Public Works is one of the city's largest operating entities, employing more than 300 people.
The Department of Public Works is responsible for maintaining and servicing the City of Lake Charles' street and drainage systems, all city-owned buildings and vehicles, and treatment and collection of waste water.
Public Works also provides the highest quality service in the areas of water treatment, distribution, production and solid waste collections. The municipal transit system is also under the Department of Public Works.
Any of the following problems in your neighborhood can be reported the Department of Public Work's Helpline desk by calling (337) 491-1220.


  • Potholes
  • Street buckles
  • Damaged sidewalks
  • Sinkholes
  • Drainage issues
  • Tall grass on medians, neutral ground or City right-of-way
  • Traffic signals
  • Street markers
  • Signs (stop, yield, warning, etc)
  • Streetlight outages (identification only)
  • Damaged/broken garbage cans
  • Trash for pick up
  • Violations to City Ordinances

Sewer Problems: Any sewer problems should be reported directly to the Wastewater Division at (337) 491-1224; after hours please call (337) 491-1414.

Water Problems: Any water problems should be reported directly to the Water Division at the following numbers:

Billing/New Services (337) 491-1307
Meter Problems (337) 491-1522
Main Breaks (337) 491-1487
Rusty Water/Odor (337) 491-1554
Distribution (337) 491-1486
Production Plant Info (337) 491-1479
After hours (337) 491-1483 
Recreation Collage
The City of Lake Charles Department of Recreation & Parks strives to offer the people of Lake Charles a wide variety of activities through team and individual athletic programs, classes and activities, as well as the individual and family enjoyment of playgrounds, picnics and nature. The Department of Recreation & Parks is pleased to announce that the community centers are open for private event rentals, civic organization meetings, senior activities, public community meetings, health screenings and structured activity classes for the general public.
The department requires registration information for all Community Center participants. To register click here. You may also contact the Department of Recreation & Parks at (337) 491-1280 to locate a community center in your area.
Q2 Partners in Parks 2025

Click Here for Community Center Rental Information

Recreation & Parks

View Lake Charles - Recreation & Parks in a larger map

The City of Lake Charles Water Division includes approximately 416 miles of water mains, 2,200 fire hydrants and provides service to approximately 29,000 households and businesses.  It is our goal to provide all our customers with clean, safe drinking water at a reasonable rate.

The State of Louisiana has increased their Safe Drinking Water Fee to $1.00 per month effective January 1, 2017.  The City of Lake Charles is responsible for collecting and remitting this fee to the state.  Each customer will see an increase of .73 cents per month on their water bill.  This fee is reflected on your water bill under the clean water fee.

Satisfaction is very important to our customers. As our customer we want you to fully understand the efforts we make to assure that your water is safe to drink. We are committed to ensuring the quality of your drinking water and its compliance with government standards.
Our number one priority is providing our customers with a safe, reliable, and affordable supply of drinking water that can be used with confidence. We are proud to report that the water provided by the City of Lake Charles Water Division meets or exceeds established water quality standards.

Call (337) 491-1598 to report water quality problems. (rusty water, bad smell or taste, etc.)  A Consumer Confidence Report is published every July for our customers.

To download a printable copy of the Service Application click here:  Service Application

To download a printable copy of the Customer Release Form click here:  Customer Release Form

To download a printable copy of the automated bank draft form click here: Bank Draft Form
To download printable forms in Spanish:
For information about all of the Water Division operations and facilities and also to view the most recent water quality report, please refer to the Department of Public Works Water Division home page.